Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Service Manual: Service specifications

Toyota Highlander Service Manual / Service specifications

Exterior/interior trim
PREPARATION Recomended Tools Equipment VEHICLE CONTROL SYSTEM PREPARATION Recomended Tools CRUISE CONTROL PREPARATION Recomended Tools Torx is a registered trademark of Textro ...

Standard bolt
HOW TO DETERMINE BOLT STRENGTH SPECIFIED TORQUE FOR STANDARD BOLTS HOW TO DETERMINE NUT STRENGTH *: Nut with 1 or more marks on one side surface of the nut. HINT: Use the nut with the ...

More about Toyota Highlander:

1. INSPECT SHIFT LEVER POSITION (a) When shifting the shift lever to each position, make sure that it moves smoothly, can be moderately operated and the position indicator displays correctly. Positions which can be operated without pressing the shift lever knob button R → N → ...

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