Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Service Manual: V (cooler compressor to crankshaft pulley) belt NO.1

Toyota Highlander Service Manual / Heater & air conditioner / V (cooler compressor to crankshaft pulley) belt NO.1

Heater & air conditioner

1. INSPECT V (COOLER COMPRESSOR TO CRANKSHAFT PULLEY) BELT NO.1 (a) Belt tension: Using a belt tension gauge, check the V belt tension NOTICE: Check the V belt deflection at the spe ...

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Cigarette lighter ASSY
REPLACEMENT HINT: COMPONENTS: See page 67-2 Installation is in the reverse order of removal. 1. REMOVE INSTRUMENT CLUSTER FINISH PANEL ASSY CENTER (SEE PAGE 71-10 ) 2. REMOVE CIGARETTE LIGHTER ASSY (a) Remove the cigarette lighter cover. (b) Disengage the meshing of the cigarett ...

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