Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Service Manual: Garage door opener

Toyota Highlander Service Manual / Garage door opener

Garage door opener system

Roof headlining ASSY
COMPONENTS REPLACEMENT HINT: The installation procedures are the removal procedures in reverse order. However, only installation procedures requiring additional information are includ ...

1. REGISTER TRANSMITTER CODE HINT: The vehicle's garage door opener records transmitter codes for systems such as garage doors, gates, entry gates, door locks, home lighting systems, security sys ...

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Window glass (antenna wire)
REPAIR 1. INSPECT WINDOW GLASS (ANTENNA WIRE) NOTICE: When cleaning the glass, use a soft, dry cloth, and wipe the glass in the direction of the wire. Take care not to damage the wires. Do not use detergents or glass cleaners with abrasive ingredients. When measuring voltage, wind a piece ...

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